Ask the lazyhamster

Tuesday, 31 December 2013

Let's play World of Tanks

Well, throw in a bunch of history freaks, a few game developers, a bunch of hardcore military fans and you get World of Tanks. Originating from Russia, this MMO tank shooter currently holds the world record for the largest number of players simultaneously online on a TOG server with over 90,000 users online at the same time. So now, this game has infected many other shores gathering combat tank fans alike to join in the fun in shooting the hell out of each other.

You start off obviously at the lowest tier among all tanks and will have to fight your way up by constantly upgrading your tanks and purchasing new tanks using experience and coins that you've earned. So, by the end of the tier, you'll get an elite tank which is a fully upgraded tank at the higher tier which is currently at tier 10. Elite tanks can be obtained in several ways that includes researching all available upgrades for a particular tank or by purchasing using Gold which can be recharged through the game website.

What we have is a rather vast continuously expanding Technology Tree comprising of various tanks from Pre-World War 2 until Pre-Vietnam War. Tanks in particular originate from all the World War 2 major powers which include Soviet, American, British, Chinese, French, Japanese and German.
Tier VI American Heavy tank, the M6

Tier V German Medium, Panzerkampfwagen IV
KV-1 with an 85mm gun
5 different class of tanks put them into 5 different type of roles in a match. Light tanks serve as scouts and usually feature speed and firepower than armor. Whereas Mediums and Heavy Tanks serve as the slightly slower moving Assault Team moving slowly sponging up high amounts of hits while dealing extremely heavy damage on others. Tank Destroyers serve as a rather powerful guns designing to deal a lot of damage to opponents compared to other classes. The tank destroyers would tend to use the element of surprise, speed and firepower as an advantage against opposing tanks. Finally, the heavy weight support which is the SPG or self propelled gun. The SPG served as an artillery unit sporting extremely far range and very high firepower however they lacked the accuracy of most other tanks.

Consumables purchase.
Purchasing Ammo and consumables.
Well, enough talking about the classes, let's take a look at some part of the game play. You play in a squad comprising of various tanks from various nations against other tanks. Most of the time your objective is about capturing bases or defend your base. This game style proved rather difficult if your team does not coordinate well enough and would lead to your squad's downfall. So a core component is good team work. Different tanks sometimes also proved to have their advantage, sloped armor may sometimes save your lives by having the shots bounce off so it is important to target certain weak points of a particular tank. In some cases, certain types of damage may also cause your survivability in game. Engine getting caught on fire will damage your components inside your tank while slowly reducing your tank's health so it is highly recommended to prepare a manual fire extinguisher as a consumable. Module damage also may sometimes lead to a disastrous outcome as such, a good tip is to prepare a repair kit at all times to fix certain damaged modules such as tracks and engines which leads to you not being able to move or damaged gun which may lead to being unable to fire a shot or damaged turret which may cause the turret to jam until repaired.

Instincts sometimes proved important in the game as well as you won't be seeing your opponents most of the time thus not knowing where they are. This can sometimes prove fatal if you fail to predict the enemy's movements.
Skin customization menu.

Applying a skin as trying out.
The customization for the tanks in the game were merely cosmetic and required gold for permanent customization or credits for temporary. There is also an option to choose the types of ammo and consumables in the game which may affect their survivability and effectiveness. While Armor piercing rounds is aimed at damaging vehicles, they lacked the splash damage in Heavy Explosive rounds. So it is wise to have a few Heavy Explosive rounds for certain conditions.

There is little for me to say about World of Tanks except that it is a rather fun and addictive MMO that makes you adapt to various fighting styles using various tanks. The best way is to give it a try yourself to understand the game.

Post game.

Pz IV Ausf. H

Pz IV Ausf H in action.

German Tech tree.

Close up on Pz IV Ausf H. Notice the Spaced armor.

more Pz IV Ausf H images.

KV-1 in action. Pz IV at the back.

Soviet Tier V Heavy tank, KV-1

KV-1 in action moving into position.

Barracks allow you to store tank crew that are not assigned to a tank.

A rather lousy service record.

Tank store to purchase new tanks.

Goodbye 2013, Hello 2014...

It is finally that time of the year again. We bid adieu to the old year and welcome the new year with hopes.

2013 will be in our memories as we see the new year slowly coming. with 3 1/2 hours left to go until the beginning of the new year, let us look back this year.

Hachi, my first hamster that didn't survived the year. Died on January 1st 2013

Cakky and Yuki, two hamsters that was bought to replace the late Hachi.

Friend of mine having an eating contest at campus.

lazy hamster...

this looks rather intimidating...

cakky eating rice.

A lazy Yuki sleeping.

Pregnant Cakky

Tower of sushi plates from sushi king.

Yuki nomming...

Array of Sauber Petronas and Sauber BMW F1 cars used in the competition at Sunway Pyramid.

Pregnant again.

Tiny bit of fancy meals at home.

lots of animals spotted in campus...

Failed attempt at making a Pavlova

Sambal eggs

My favourite bone Pillow with my beloved's stuff toy.

Yuki is not amused...

babies Orange, Apple, Lemon and Strawberry...

All four hamsterlings in a small tiny rocket.

Hello Kitty charms brochure from 7-Eleven

baby Orange exploring around.

First time cooking Chilli Con Carne

The Hello Kitty Charm from 7-Eleven

With my beloved at a hot pot restaurant.

This thing is really spicy.

Con los terrorista.

Dusk at Wangsa Maju LRT station.

Having a lamb mendi and shish tawouk at Sa'Ba restaurant in Setiawangsa.

Best Shish Tawouk I've ever had so far.

mommy Cakky with a bunch of little hamsterlings...

Wurtz und Sauerkraut.

Fine Dining at Brotzeit with my beloved.
Jar of Sticky candy.

Hamsterlings started growing fur.

A very very cold day at Jelatek.

2 week old baby hamsterling.

1 month old baby hamsterling that is stuffing food in the mouth


My Younger brother got hooked playing StarFox 64 on an emulator on my mom's laptop.

My beloved taking a selfie. little does she know I have this photo. :D

My greatest warning. Housemates didn't flush the toilet.

Grilled Cheese.

Alone at campus... time for a selfie...

"Hairy Potter"

frogs started appearing all over campus after a rainy night.

My beloved on her 23rd Birthday at SOGO. ANGRY BIRDS!!!

Lovely smile from my beloved always melts my heart.

These were all collection of photos that pose as the greatest memories I have for the year 2013... Thanks for all the greatest memories to my hamsters and my beloved...